7 Critical Commands For Dogs - The Ones Every Dog Should Know

Image a dog shaking paws with owner in a field.

The puppy phase of any dog is likely their cutest, but also their naughtiest. It’s important to teach a puppy how to become a dog in those months, so you don’t become a pushover. And that’s more vital than you might think – an obedient dog isn’t just pleasant to be around. An obedient dog is a safe dog. So. What’s the best way to do this? Teach them commands!

Having a set of commands for dogs will keep much of their behavior in check and keep them and you safe should an incident arise. Since you’re here reading this, you’re clearly involved in raising your dog correctly, so kudos to you! And you’re in the right place – in today’s blog, we’ll go over 7 commands for dogs; commands every dog should know, that you can teach yourself.

And remember, Carolina Prime Pet treats are the perfect reward for your dog in this training phase.

7 Commands for Dogs

#1 – Sit

Sitting is a natural position for dogs. While they will sit independently, it is also important for them to do it on your command. It’s one of the easiest commands for dogs to learn also. Sitting is often referred to as a ‘transition command.’ What trainers mean by this is that the dog should learn to sit and then wait for their next order (stay, for example). The sitting position transitions the dog into something else. Therefore, sitting is a foundational command too. If a dog doesn’t sit, it likely won’t listen to anything else its owner has to say, either!

A Bernese mountain dog looking at the finger of his owner, and a quote about "no" command for dogs.

#2 – Lay Down

Having a dog lie down shifts their mindset. The dog is like a coiled spring and ready for action when they are sitting or staying. Laying down reminds the dog of resting, which will help calm them. Many trainers refer to a dog lying down as “putting your car in park.” Getting a dog to lie down is also another transition command, as it can transition into rolling over or playing dead.

#3 – Stay

Regarding commands for dogs, learning to stay is as important as sitting. A dog who knows how to stay and wait for its owner’s command is a dog in control of its behavior. A dog that has learned to stay may not necessarily be calm, but it is focused only on its owner. This ability to be hyper-focused is important. A dog that knows how to stay is also a dog that is less likely to get into dangerous situations. This is the type of command that could be the difference between life or death – near a busy road, for example.

#4 – Come

This command for dogs is vital if you intend for your dog to spend time off-leash. Like the stay command, learning to come is important for the dog’s safety. Once a dog has comfortably shown it knows how to stay, that command can be built on with this one. Come becomes an easier command for them to respond to when food is involved. Especially when it involves delicious Carolina Prime Pet food and treats!

#5 – Heel

All dogs love a walk outside. It’s important for their sensory development and socialization. But an unruly dog that is jerking and pulling on its leash can make for an unpleasant walk for them, the owner, and everyone else. Therefore, a command for dogs that helps them walk properly is “heel.” When a trained dog hears “heel,” it will walk calmly alongside the owner. This means the dog understands the owner is in control of the journey, not them. A dog that knows to heel is vital if they live in urban areas where traffic and other stimuli can be overwhelming.

An American pit bull lying on the floor while his owner is commanding, and a quote about the "Heel" command for dogs.

#6 – Off

Dogs are excitable and loveable. We love them for their energy and their loyalty. But sometimes, this expression of love and curiosity can be too much. Some people deal with this well, but many can get anxious when a dog jumps up or paws at them. This is where the command “off!” can help owners. When a dog hears this command, it should know that it must get down on all fours. This command helps with guests and food-motivated canines at chowtime too.

#7 – No

Lastly, we have the “no” command for dogs. This is often the hardest one for dogs to hear and owners to say. Those puppy dog eyes can get the best of even the most disciplined owner. But a dog that understands and obeys “no” or “leave it ” is safer overall. Most dogs are highly food motivated, and the world is their buffet. Many foods can upset a dog’s stomach, and others are potentially fatal. At other times the command helps to curb or pre-empt bad behavior too. Either way, this command for dogs is crucial.

Sidenote: One way to keep your dog away from nasty outdoor “treats” is to keep them happy with healthy, tasty ones like treats from Carolina Prime Pet.

Final Thoughts

We hope this discussion of the most critical 7 commands for dogs was helpful. Hopefully, your four-legged friend knows them all or is learning them. Remember to reward their good behavior! And the best way to both reward and keep them healthy is with Carolina Prime Pet dog treats. We’re a 100% USA-owned company that only uses premium, healthy ingredients grown here in the States. Since 1998, we’ve been making dog treats in the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Visit our shop and see for yourself – we know your doggo will love our treats!

Call to action button with yellow background promoting Carolina Prime Pet Wholesome Training Treats.