Dogs And Peanut Butter - Love At First Sniff!

Shar Pei puppy wearing birthday hat with peanut butter treats in front of it.

Why Do Dogs Like Peanut Butter? (Scratch That – LOVE Peanut Butter)

Dogs love peanut butter because of the protein, sugar, fat and salt. At least in part. But what’s the main reason? And are there other reasons? Does it really smell and taste like a different type of food to dogs, like some vets say? Is it just super healthy for them, and that’s why they naturally enjoy peanut butter?

Seriously, what is with dogs and peanut butter? Gooey peanut butter gets them googly-eyed and drooling anxiously the moment the smell hits them.

Like humans, dogs seem to have an affinity for this scrumptious spread. And who can blame them? Beyond its creamy texture and a perfect ratio of sweet meets salty, there may be an actual reason dogs love peanut butter. So why do dogs love peanut butter? We’ve got the 411 on dogs and peanut butter. Keep reading to learn more! (By the way, if you’re asking yourself, can dogs eat peanuts? Read on!)

Let’s Get To The Details About Dogs Eating Peanut Butter

When it comes to foods containing added amounts of salt, sugar, and fats, both dogs and humans are undeniably drawn to the taste. It may be a simplified explanation as to why dogs like peanut butter and dog foods containing it, but that’s just how it goes, we don’t make the rules! So it goes without saying that peanut butter checks all the boxes – salt, sugar, and fat.

Dogs also have fat-specific taste buds that crave large amounts of protein. Pair that love of protein with a ‘sweet tooth’, and you can see why dogs and peanut butter go paw in paw.

Most common peanut butter brands are over-processed and laden with unnecessary ingredients. Here at Carolina Prime, we use only natural peanut butter!

Natural peanut butter contains loads of protein which is an extremely important element of your dog’s diet. Dogs are naturally drawn to it because protein is good for them. Now that you know why dogs love peanut butter, you also understand that it’s highly unlikely your precious pupper will discriminate against natural peanut butter versus processed peanut butter, all thanks to the sizable amount of protein that comes packed in every bite. So stick with healthier options when it comes to your dog and peanut butter.

The 411 About Your Pooch & Protein

Dogs are known to crave foods containing the nutrients they need, which is likely why dogs like peanut butter so much. Many generic dog food brands surprisingly don’t contain the necessary amount of protein required for a dog’s normal function. Contrary to older studies, protein is now considered a vital nutrient for our right-hand hounds. Especially in growing and/or active dogs.

Not only is protein easy to digest for most dogs, but it is also known to aid in the reproduction of skin and hair cells. Consuming protein regularly may also benefit your dog’s long-term health and strengthen its immune system. Enticing AND packed with nutrients?! No wonder dogs love peanut butter so much!

Last but not least, Dr. Susan Wynn, along with other veterinarians, believes it could have something to do with the smell. According to her, dogs might love peanut butter because it smells like meat.

She said:

“The roasted aroma of peanut butter comes from proteins and fats that have been changed during roasting, and they probably smell a bit like caramelized meat…”

So there you have it. Dogs love peanut butter for all those reasons, plus (possibly) the scrumptious smell of meat.

As much as we hate to bark it to you, most anything worth enjoying usually comes with a disclaimer. There can be a point where overindulgence in peanut butter can become detrimental to your dog’s health. But no need to get your tail in a bunch. Just be mindful and talk to your vet if you have any questions about your dog’s dietary needs.

Speaking of caloric intake, has your dog tried our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet Potato Fries? They only contain 28 calories per stick and are lip-smacking good! Now, that’s another reason why dogs like peanut butter so much.

How Much Peanut Butter Is Too Much?

If it were up to your beloved beast, a limit wouldn’t even exist. But we can’t all have our cake and eat it too, which is why it’s highly advised that dogs should only ingest peanut butter in small amounts. But of course a dog’s caloric intake is dependent on multiple factors, including size and activity level.

Veterinarians typically stick with a general rule of thumb, which states that treats should not surpass 10 percent of a dog’s daily caloric intake. To put it simply, a spoonful of peanut butter can contain up to 200 calories, which is sometimes the amount of total daily calories required by a more petite pooch.

Peanut butter is notably dense in calories, which, if consumed in large amounts, could seriously affect our furry friends’ quality of life. In any event, it makes for more of an occasional tasty treat rather than a daily allowance. Instead of spooning it out, why not give your dog that peanut butter taste they crave in the form of a sweet potato and peanut butter treat?

On a similar note, check out our answer to the question “can dogs eat pork bones?”

Don’t Ignore The Food-y Facts

Just as you would for your own health, read the nutrition labels. Generally speaking, regular peanut butter is safe to feed your pup, under one condition. It needs to be Xylitol-free PB.

Xylitol is a sugar substitute that can more commonly be found in products claiming to be low or sugar-free, including gum, condiments and syrups. Unlike humans’ ability to consume this sucrose sham, Xylitol is highly toxic when ingested by dogs. “Xylitol can cause low blood sugar and liver failure, so it’s important to check all of the ingredients in any peanut or nut butter,” says Veterinarian toxicologist Renee Schmid of Pet Poison Hotline. Moral of the story? Keep those peepers peeled — your doggo will thank you later.

Your Dog & Peanut Butter – Eat, Treat, Repeat!

We take it you’re officially in the market for some pooch-approved peanut butter, yes? You’ve come to the right place. By now, we’ve established why dogs love peanut butter and why it makes your best bud go nutty, which is why we work hard to craft tasty treats with added nutritional benefits and scrumptious peanut butter flavor!

Here’s another reason why dogs like peanut butter even more: while your pooch is chowing down on one of Carolina Prime’s best-selling treats like our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet Potato Bones, they’re not only indulging in a tasty snack but one that is also jam-packed with potential health benefits.

Every Carolina Prime product is responsibly sourced from the U.S., many of which include sweet potato, which is known to be a great source of Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper, and calcium. It goes without saying that the second your pup gets their paws on one of these delicious snacks, all the other dogs will soon be jealous.

Last but not least. If you’re wondering if your dog can eat peanut butter or peanuts (or crunchy peanut butter) to begin with, here’s a word on that. Always, always discuss with your veterinarian first and foremost. But it’s widely accepted that peanut butter without unhealthy ingredients like xylitol is generally safe for most dogs. And peanuts too, in small quantities, plain, raw or dry roasted, and shelled. But again, please discuss with your veterinarian before giving your dog either.

But what about dogs and cheese? Discover more here: Why Do Dogs Love Cheese?

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