Spoiled Dog? How To Pamper Them The Right Way!

Spoiled dog wearing blanket in snow.

Ever feel personally victimized by being told you own a certifiably “spoiled dog”?

We’re all guilty of giving our furry friends a little extra (ok, a lot of extra) love and affection from time to time, but why does it make us feel so guilty? Shouldn’t making our cutest companions feel fulfilled with a life they deserve be a good thing?!

Unfortunately it’s possible to reach a point where spoiling your dog results in negative doggy behavior. Afraid you may have a spoiled dog on your hands? We’ve got you. To learn how to pamper your pup the right way, allow us to break down the doggy deets…

How Do I Know If I Have A Spoiled Dog?

When asking yourself what makes a spoiled dog, you may jump to conclusions by taking a peek at your pup’s overflowing toy chest, or asking yourself whether or not cozying up on the bed with the humans is really necessary.

Here’s the situation: To each their own when it comes to your hound’s house rules but there are some serious red flags of spoiled puppy syndrome to keep a close eye on. These signs could reveal that you may be over-coddling your canine companion, and they may also indicate a need to simmer down with the spoiling.

  • Your dog is overweight/obese: We’ve all been that dog owner that feels the need to treat their pup because they simply look cute or “they gave me the saddest puppy eyes and I just couldn’t resist!” While tasty treats are a perfectly acceptable form of reward on occasion, overtreating your pooch can lead to extremely harmful physical effects. Remember, treats shouldn’t take up more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. For extra good measure, why not treat your pupper to yummy snacks made with wholesome ingredients?
  • Your dog is showing signs of aggression or territorial behavior: There’s no question that a multitude of factors can lead to aggression or overprotection in your furry friend, including temperament and early trauma. However, when tolerating or neglecting this behavior (which can be a clear sign of spoiled puppy syndrome), especially at the expense of other humans or animals, you’re inviting your little rascal to continue misbehaving. You don’t want your dog to adopt this harmful demeanor into their everyday life.
  • Your dog is punishing YOU: Believe us, saying ‘no’ to your precious pooch can be an extremely difficult feat. Those eyes? That scrunched nose? How can you possibly resist? Unfortunately, the less you resist, the more they start ignoring basic commands and establishing their own form of dominance. Signs may include not listening when called, or even urinating and defecating in places they know are big ‘no-no’s’.

What CAN I Do To Show My Spoiled Dog Some Extra Love?

Life is all about balance, right? Believe it or not, spoiling your dog is also a balancing act. Now that we know that too much pamper can result in a total damper, we’re here to bring in the reinforcements in case your fur baby is experiencing spoiled puppy syndrome.

Fun fact: With proper training tactics and positive reinforcements, your dog can still feel fulfilled and adored without putting their physical and emotional well-being at stake. Your dog doesn’t have to be spoiled to feel loved.These techniques and helpful tips on how to pamper a spoiled dog will leave Scooter with that warm, fuzzy feeling for doggy years to come:

  • Treat your dog to a new toy once a month: A trip to the pet store is nothing short of tail-wagging goodness, so keep your pup on their paws by letting them sniff out a new squeaker on occasion. Not only will they be pleasantly surprised by the gesture, but rotating out your dog’s toys can help prevent boredom and sharpen their senses while providing mental stimulation. It’s a win-win, really!
  • Take your pup for a hike or a park playdate: It truly is the little things that make up the big moments in life! Set time out of your week to take a trip to the park or your local hiking trails. This broadens their senses and allows for exploration of new scenery. Plus, practicing socialization can drastically help alleviate ‘spoiled dog syndrome’.
  • Keep the treats on deck (but to a minimum): Let us be the first to advocate for the use of treats for training purposes, or even just the occasional healthy snack option. Rewarding your pooch for good behavior is no canine crime. Our customers are big fans of our Salmon Jerky Tiny Bites and our Sweet Potato & Peanut Butter Bones. All of our treats are carefully sourced in the U.S. and contain quality ingredients to keep your dog pawsitively pleased!
  • Give your spoiled dog a massage: A massage may sound like the epitome of pristine puppy pampering, but hear us out: Even the not-so-cuddliest of canines can’t resist a solid belly-rubbing sesh or even some light pressure to their most utilized muscles. Use soft, sweeping motions when your dog is enjoying some lazy lounge time. This will also help them become more acquainted with being handled by other humans during those dreaded groom appointments or vet visits.

Looking for more ways on how to pamper your spoiled dog the right way? Be sure to check out our blog post: How To Make Your Dog Happy: Treats, Tricks, & More! Happy pampering, fellow pup parents!