8 Reasons To Own A Dog (Some Of These May Surprise You!)

Cute puppy in a box.

Becoming a dog owner is a big commitment. That’s why taking the time to research both the pros and cons of pet ownership is a wise move. As with any responsibility, pet ownership requires both time and patience. And of course, your lifestyle may come into play. But if now feels like the right time to add a furry family member to your crew, the rewards are potentially endless. In honor of all things canine, we’re here to share 8 fun and surprising reasons to own a dog.

Follow along to learn them all!

#1. A Sense Of Purpose

If you’re already a dog owner, then you probably know this to be true. Having a four-legged friend as part of your family can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Dogs can quickly become your new best friend or close companion.They can also provide special meaning or a sense of purpose to your life. How can they do this, you might wonder. Well..

  • Dogs encourage us to take on extra responsibilities.
  • They help us develop healthy daily routines.
  • Owning a dog can foster physical and psychological well-being.

Starting to see the many benefits and reasons to own a dog? We’re not surprised!

#2. Feelings Of Happiness & Love

If you’re looking for reasons to own a dog, this may be an important one. A national study by the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute found that 85% of participants believe that interacting with dogs reduces loneliness. Most also agreed that having a dog can help with social isolation. Dogs are built in roommates and can be there for their owners at times and moments when people simply cannot.

As a dog owner, this may seem obvious but there’s actually research out there that helps support it. A past study showed that staring into your dog’s eyes and interacting with them can increase levels of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin can increase feelings of love, closeness, and an attachment to your beloved pet.

#3. Dogs Make Us Feel More Social

Have you ever been out on a walk with your dog and struck up a conversation with a stranger or fellow dog owner? That’s no coincidence. By owning a dog, there’s a real possibility you’ll meet new people and gain more friends. Isn’t that one of the best reasons to own a dog?

Believe it or not, our four-legged pals can even help us when using online dating apps. According to an article by People Magazine, 60% percent of the people who took their survey agreed that they were more likely to go on a date with someone if they were accompanying a dog in their profile picture. Who knew that taking a selfie with your adorable pup could increase your likelihood of matching with someone new!

#4. Stress Relief

It’s no secret that canine companions can be a great source of comfort and support. But did you know that they can also help with certain health conditions, too? Well, that’s another one of the few reasons to own a dog!

According to a Harvard article, having a dog has the potential to decrease blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, and can even lower your triglyceride levels. Dogs can have a calming effect, helping you relax your muscles and slow your breathing to a healthier level. Talk about several solid reasons to own a dog! Turns out owning a dog may literally be good for your health.

Another research study found that after 10 minutes of petting a cat or dog, participants showed a drop in their cortisol levels. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone in your body and decreasing it can be a very good thing.

#5. Fitness

Does your dog give you those sad puppy dog eyes whenever they want to go for a walk? You’re not alone! Our canine best friends can be pretty high-maintenance, but the motivation to get off the couch and get moving can be a real benefit. Plus, it’s way more fun to exercise when you’ve got your fluffy sidekick by your side.

Whether it’s a doggy jog, hike, or bike ride, having your dog along can be a major source of motivation. And while you’re out there having fun and burning calories don’t forget to bring along some training treats for your favorite workout partner. Our Salmon Topper-Trainer Treats are the perfect accompaniment.

#6. Heart Health (Believe it or not, it’s one of the reasons to own a dog!)

Yes, one of the reasons to own a dog is the warm fuzzy feelings they bring into our lives.

But believe it or not, owning a dog can also improve heart health and may help owners live longer!

According to the American Heart Association, dog ownership can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States. And according to statements from dog owners, they typically have lower blood pressure than non-dog owners.

#7. Safety

Want to know more reasons to own a dog? Here’s more! Dogs often enjoy the role of companion, but they may also serve as protector. Many breeds love to guard and keep a watchful eye over their beloved family members. By owning a dog, you may decrease your odds of home intrusion.

But that’s not the only way dogs keep us safe. Dogs can be trained as guide dogs for the seeing and hearing impaired. Not to mention service dogs that provide care and guidance for many people in need. Yet another way dogs enrich our lives and the well-being of our communities

#8. Support With Aging

Dogs can have a positive effect on the lives of the elderly. Just being around dogs has been found to help reduce the effects of Alzheimers and dementia. This includes loneliness, irritability, depression, and anxiety. Dogs can help with self-esteem, increased happiness,empathy, connection, and so much more.

So there you have it. Now you have 8 reasons to own a dog! If you’re ready to add a furry friend to your crew (or already have one) we congratulate you. Being a dog owner is an honor and a privilege. Here at Carolina Prime our lives pretty much revolve around canines. You could call us dog devotees! Not only do we love dogs but we love crafting delicious, quality treats for them. If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to check out our complete line of top quality dog treats. Afterall, they deserve it!