How To Raise A Dog - Helpful Tips

Image of an owner holding her dog.

There are so many reasons to love a dog; from their toothy grins to their seemingly selfless personalities. They brighten our lives and enhance our days without even trying. And although raising a dog is a commitment, most would agree that it’s extremely worthwhile. And that brings us to the topic of our blog post: how to raise a dog!

Whether you’re here for some pointers on how to train your dog or planning to adopt and want to know what to expect — we’ve got you! Read on to learn which steps you should take to ensure your puppy grows into a happy, healthy, and well-behaved dog!

Socialize Your Puppy

Most pet owners expect their dogs to be gentle and trustworthy with others. That’s why socialization is a big part of raising a dog. Giving young puppies the opportunity to interact with new pets and new people is a great way to do this. Or at least to get them headed down the right path. But even if your dog’s not a puppy, old dogs can learn new tricks too!

So long as your dog isn’t dog-aggressive, the local dog park may be a great place to work on socialization. There your dog will have the opportunity to meet dogs of many sizes, not to mention different breeds. They may even have the opportunity to befriend a dog or two, especially if the dog park becomes a regular stop for you and your pup.

But not only does your dog need to learn how to act around other dogs, they also need to learn how to act around people. So maybe you can invite your friends with dogs over for a puppy paw-ty! At home, you can teach your dog how to greet someone at the door, show their excitement in a pleasing manner, and give them the opportunity to be around food without going bananas. After all, no one wants to have their french fries drooled on by a dog begging for food.

One way to teach them healthy behavior is to reward your puppy when they’re behaving (not begging for food, but sitting calmly while being patient) with treats! Carolina Prime Pet has treats that come in many flavors and textures. They’re also made with natural, wholesome ingredients. Your friends will love not getting jumped on by your dog when they walk in the door, and your dog will love the delicious treat they earn for their paw-sitive behavior!

How To Raise A Dog - Helpful Tips

Teach Voice Commands

Voice commands signal to your dog what you want them to do. For example, sit, stay, and stop are all voice commands. They are great for teaching good behavior, but also for safety. The command “stay” will keep your dog from following you into a potentially dangerous place, like the road. Learn how to teach your dog to stay here!

Try not to overwhelm your pup with too many commands at a time. Instead, pick an easy one and don’t move on to another until your puppy has mastered the first. Sit is usually one of the first tricks puppies master. So cue the inevitable hours of footage you’ll have on your phone of your little genius sitting all over your house.

Make sure to choose healthy, naturally sourced treats, in hopes of avoiding empty calories. When your dog responds correctly to your voice command, reward them with a delicious, small trainer treat and shower them with praise! Seeing how excited they get when you say, “Good job!” is extremely cute, so you may have to restrain yourself from accidentally dishing out too many treats.

Have Patience

Puppies and kids love pushing boundaries, testing limits, and making a mess, but kids can tell you when something is wrong or bothering them. Sometimes, your puppy might be acting out because they don’t feel well or have anxiety — it can help to visit your veterinarian if you notice a sudden change in their behavior. If your puppy is feeling fine but still not learning how to sit or stay after a few months, it just might need a little more time! While most behaviors can be learned in 3-6 months, every puppy is different, and some might take longer to understand something new.

Our biggest tip for raising a puppy? Patience. There will be some “ruff” days in puppy parenthood, but a happy and well-trained dog is worth the wait. Just because your friend’s dog learned how to sit in a couple of months doesn’t mean your new puppy will, and you might need to switch up your positive reinforcements occasionally. Try a bone or a long walk if the usual treats aren’t working.

At the end of the day, your dog just wants you to give them attention and love, and by doing that, you’re creating an unbreakable bond with your dog. The reward for all of the time spent training and teaching your pet? A dog that will be loyal to and love you unconditionally. Worth it.

Want to learn more about training your dog? Read “7 Critical Commands For Dogs – The Ones Every Dog Should Know”

How To Raise A Dog - Helpful Tips

Raising a Dog is Hard Work

You should put as much thought into getting a puppy as taking on any other big responsibility. Do you have the time to train them? The money to pay for vet bills and dog food? Because you’re the type of person who’s taken the time to read this article, we feel you’re probably well on your way to knowing how to raise a dog that’s happy and well-trained. Clearly, you care, because you’re putting in the extra effort.

Luckily, we have many more articles to help guide you through puppy parenthood’s ups and downs. If you follow these simple suggestions while raising your dog, you’re sure to have more ups than downs on that journey and will benefit from all the wonderful things that dog ownership has to offer (unlimited attention, kisses whenever you want them, couch snuggles, etc.). Check out our blog for everything dog-related, and good luck with your fur baby, who we are confident is a VERY good boy or girl already.

Want to learn more about dog care? Read “New Four-Legged Friend? How To Introduce Your Kitten & Dog?”

How To Raise A Dog - Helpful Tips