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Can Dogs Eat Popcorn? (And Other Healthy Snacks To Try!)

Chihuahua dressed up in a pink robe and sunglasses, with a pink bowl of popcorn in it's lap.

Gel Manalastas |

We’ve all been there – you’re lounging on the couch, snuggled up with your dog enjoying a movie night. As you munch on your blissfully buttery popcorn, you wonder – can dogs eat popcorn? And it’s a great question to ask. Are dogs and popcorn a safe combination? It’s obviously a human food made from whole grains, so it can be hard to tell if your pup will get ill or suffer negative consequences by eating it.

Read on to better understand the relationship between dogs and popcorn once and for all!

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

The short answer for many dogs is yes, when it’s completely plain. And in moderation, of course. The long answer is that some ingredients associated with popcorn can cause health concerns in your beloved pup.

Many dogs are allergic to corn, and could experience severe stomach problems if you give them popcorn. These dogs should NEVER be fed popcorn. Additionally, your best bet is to remove any partially popped kernels from the batch before you offer a sample to your dog. Not only can these pesky little guys get stuck in your dog’s teeth and gums – at worst, they can be a choking hazard.

It can be hard to resist puppy dog eyes begging you for a bite of your popcorn. But keep in mind that your dog would probably be better off with snacks made especially for their canine needs and flavor preferences. Let them enjoy the chewy texture that popcorn offers with healthy and high-quality treats like our Chicken Wrapped Sweet Potato Stix. It’s the best of both worlds!

And what about almonds – can dogs eat them?

What Kind Of Popcorn Can Dogs Eat?

If you do make the rare exception to let your pooch chow down on some popcorn, make sure it’s plain. For us humans, drenching our popcorn in caramel, cheese, seasoning, & more can taste like a dream. But popcorn toppings and additives are a definite no for our furry friends. The fat, oil, and sodium in them can cause issues like dehydration, digestive issues, vomiting, and obesity. Kidney damage and diarrhea are a couple of other potential side effects.

For our canine companions, plain, air-popped popcorn is the way to go. Don’t worry: air-popping is not a complex preparation method. You can do it with your microwave or stove, easy peasy.

If you want to make sure your dog can enjoy just as many amazing flavors as you are without feeding them unhealthy toppings, make their movie snack a decadent dog treat instead! Trust us, they’ll probably prefer it anyway. Although they can’t have popcorn topped with cheddar sauce, they CAN enjoy tasty movie night snacks like our Cheezy Crinkle Sweet Potato Chipsand these are made with only 3 ingredients!

How Much Popcorn Is Safe For Dogs?

Now that we’ve answered the main question about dogs eating popcorn, let’s talk about how much is too much. You can have peace of mind knowing that if you drop a few stray popcorn pieces on the floor during your movie marathon, your pup snapping a few up probably isn’t a cause for concern. But what about regular popcorn consumption?

Always consult your veterinarian first and foremost, but putting dogs and popcorn together probably shouldn’t become a regular thing. Most veterinarians seem to agree that giving your dog plain, air-popped popcorn every once in a while as a light snack is generally ok.

But letting them eat a lot of popcorn, especially popcorn with unhealthy toppings is a bad idea.

By the way, have you ever wondered, can dogs eat peanuts? Find the answer here!

Plain popcorn contains fiber, protein, iron, and B vitamins, so plain, air-popped popcorn is generally ok for dogs. But always talk to your vet, who knows your dog specifically. And it’s worth mentioning – there are other, healthier treats to get them these nutrients and then some. Treats they’ll enjoy just as much!

For example, we all know how dogs LOVE peanut butter, and our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet Potato Fries are packed with Vitamins A & C, plus Folate, Iron, Copper, and Calcium! On the same token, our Cheeze & Sweet Potato tiny bites are the perfect popcorn dupe for dogs, and they are loaded with natural vitamins.

Wondering if your dog can eat salmon? Find the answer here! And can dogs eat eggs? Find out here.

The Final Verdict On Dogs & Popcorn

If you’ve been wondering if dogs can eat popcorn, now you have the answer!

If it’s plain and air-popped, it’s generally ok as a light snack. But don’t be fooled by the adoring eyes ogling your buttery, salty popcorn bucket: real dog treats are usually a much wiser choice for your pup’s health AND taste buds.

If you ever feel guilty for leaving them out of the fun, instead of giving them less healthy human food, grab some wholesome and nutritious dog treats they can chow down on by your side! To them, there’s no better movie snack in the world.

At the end of the day, dogs and popcorn don’t necessarily have to be strangers: but they probably shouldn’t be best friends either!

Yellow and blue image promoting Cheeze & Sweet Potato Tiny Bites as an alternative to popcorn.

Speaking of snacks, what about dogs and cheese? Discover more here: Why Do Dogs Love Cheese?