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Why Does My Dog Look Sad? Reasons & Ways to Cheer Them Up!

Image of a sad dog with its head laying on its dog bowl.

Pet parents aren’t the only ones who get sad – our fur babies get sad, too. Since dogs can’t speak the way we do, it can be hard to translate what they’re thinking or feeling. At times, you might wonder why your pup seems so sad. And also how you can help!

The human-pet communication barrier makes it almost impossible to tell if a dog is genuinely sad. That’s why we must pay close attention to the signs and signals our furry friends give us. If your dog looks sad, there are some steps you can take to keep them as happy as they can be. Read on to learn what they are!

Why Do Dogs Look Sad?

There are lots of reasons why your dog might look unhappy. In some situations, it may be serious. And sometimes, it’s purely coincidental, or even boredom. If you notice that your dog seems down, you may want to question if any of factors that we discuss later in this article apply.

You’ve likely heard the term “puppy dog eyes” or “puppy dog face”. Sometimes, your dog might appear sad because they need connection. If your dog is making the puppy dog face, this could be their way of trying to get your attention! The classic puppy dog eye look doesn’t usually mean your dog is sad – even if it looks that way.

Instead, pay close attention to your dog’s behavior if you’re worried they may be sad. As we mentioned earlier, dogs can make sad facial expressions for other reasons, so expressions can be hard to interpret. It’s usually best to look at your dog’s body language or habits. They can tell you a lot!

Dog Depression Symptoms: Do You Have a Depressed or Sad Dog?

Many people ask “Why does my dog seem sad?” But some may end up writing it off as something small or insignificant. And this isn’t always the best course of action. Sometimes, it’s doggy depression.

Are you worried your beloved furry friend might be suffering from depression? We’ll go over some common dog depression symptoms, and help you get a better idea of what the condition entails.

Not as Excited About Playtime

Losing interest in playtime or exercise is a common sign of depression in dogs. Now if your dog never liked exercise, to begin with, that’s a different story. But if your dog is suffering from depression, the things they used to love may not seem as appealing as they once did. As a side note, this can also be due to a physical illness, so if in doubt, it’s always best to get an expert opinion from your trusted veterinarian. They can advise the best actions and help you diagnose the underlying issue.

Decreased Appetite

Does your four-legged family member no longer show interest in eating time? This can also be a sign of dog depression.

Is your pup no longer eating its favorite treats, such as its beloved Sweet Potato Bones? Or is their dinner often left half-eaten? Reduced appetite could also lead to other health issues, or be an underlying symptom of something serious. So always keep your dog’s eating habits in mind, especially if something unusual takes place. Have a large dog? You may need large breed dog treats. Big dogs need more food, and if they don’t get enough it could cause…


Have you noticed your dog is more tired than usual? Poor sleep, excessive sleep, or general tiredness could be a sign of depression in dogs. All dogs need a little extra rest sometimes, but make sure they’re not getting too much!

What Makes Your Dog Sad?

So your dog has been acting sad lately, and you’re wondering what might have caused it? In some cases, there may be an event or lifestyle change that is contributing in a big way. Here are some of the main factors that cause sadness in our furry friends:

Big Life Changes

Your dog could be experiencing jealousy or sadness if there’s a new addition to the family. This could be a new pet or even a new person, like a baby. If your attention is given to someone or something else, your pup may struggle to make sense of it all. Other big life changes, such as moving to a new house, have also been known to increase the likelihood of stress and sadness in dogs. Changes can be hard for everyone, including dogs!

Loss In The Family

Oftentimes, what happens in your life deeply affects your dog’s life too. If there was a death in the family or someone moved away, your dog could very well be mourning the loss. A change in their routine can be upsetting. Maybe your spouse was the one to take your precious pupper for walks and now that routine looks different. There are so many things that can contribute to a dog’s depression.

Underlying Health Issues

If your dog has health issues that you don’t know about, these could be impacting their quality of life. Chronic issues may be to blame as well. Physical pain, neurological disorders, tummy troubles, loss of senses, or even bad oral health can be major, life-altering conditions that can put a damper on your dog’s mood. This could cause them to experience sadness, uneasiness, or even depression. To help prevent oral problems, give your pup dental treats!

A Change in You

Is your dog emotional? You might not think a lot about dog emotions, but they’re similar to what we humans feel. Have you ever noticed how your dog’s emotions can often mirror your own? You get excited, they do too – when you’re happy, chances are, they’re happy too. And if you’re sad, or anxious, or overly distracted by other things in your life, well…they may be too.

Raising a dog isn’t easy, but reading How To Raise A Dog – Helpful Tips and Why Is My Dog Being Clingy?
can help!

What to Do if Your Dog is Depressed

Sometimes no matter what we do, our dogs can experience hardship or health issues. And no matter how much you love your dog, they may undergo depression at some point in their life. If this happens, you’ll want to help them through this. But how?

If your dog is suffering from depression, you’ll probably want to consider contacting your vet. Your vet can provide short-term help, as well as long-term solutions. A trained veterinary behaviorist can also help come up with a plan for returning your pup to their old self!

It’s also important to give your four-legged friend extra love and attention. Like people, dogs love feeling loved and doted on. You could spend extra quality time with your pup, or engage in their favorite activities to show them you care. If your dog could talk, we know they’d thank you for it.

And if those don’t cheer your pup up, our Carolina Prime Pet Sweet Potato Steak Fries For Dogs might!

Don’t Let Dog Depression Get You Down

If you’re worried your dog could be suffering from depression, it’s easy to feel down. The good thing is, your dog is not alone: they have you!

When your dog looks sad, it’s always worth it to pay extra attention to them and shower them with extra love. Their sad facial expressions might not be a sign of dog depression, but they could be. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our pups!

Here at Carolina Prime Pet, we care about your dog’s emotional and physical health. That’s why we’ve been making treats your furry family will love since 1998! Bring a little extra joy to your pup’s daily routine, with our Salmon Jerky or Sweet Potato Stix. Who knows? A treat could be just what your dog needs to turn that frown upside down. Want more spend more time with your dog? Learn how to train your dog to “stay” here!

Want to learn more about dog care? Read “Tear Stains On Dogs – How To Prevent Them” and How To Stop A Dog From Begging